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Description The 2017 edition of the Evry Schatzman school of the French national program of stellar Physics (PNPS) will focus on high angular resolution imaging (HAR). HAR is a very dynamic topic with a lot of new instruments such as SPHERE/VLT, the JWST and later EELT-CAM, EELT-EPICS, together with interferometry with JouFlu (CHARA), PIONIER (VLTI), VEGA (CHARA), GRAVITY (VLTI), MATISSE (VLTI)..., or at longer wavelenghths with ALMA and NOEMA. This fast moving topic is the key to study star forming regions, protoplanetary discs, stellar surfaces and circumstellar environments. France is an historical key actor in the world to develop high angular resolution, imaging instruments and HAR imaging is a topic of high priority for the french national propgram of stellar physics (PNPS). It is also essential for the study of extrasolar planets and thus a key topic for the planets national program (PNP). Scientific context: The field of high angular resolution imaging in France is structured by ASHRA. The main aim of the different high angular resolution themes is to reach one goal: control the wavefront to reach the angular resolution limit. This field of research steadily broadened thanks to new techniques such as optical interferometry, adaptive optics, very high dynamics, data processing, the study of atmospheric turbulence and innovative optical concepts. For instance, the impact of optical interferometry on stellar physics (and other topics) is very various. One can i.e. mention the measurements of planetary and stellar fondamental parameters, asteroseismology, the distance to Cepheids, the study of protoplanetary discs, fast rotators and the convection structure of supergiant stars. Since 2009, optical interferometry can even produce images. In the meantime, thanks to the developments of adaptive optics, it is now feasible to directly image the close circumstellar environments of red giants and supergiants (e.g. Betelgeuse and L2 Pup) to study dust and gas around it with single telescopes (with NACO on the VLT for example). Today, SPHERE is producing similar results. On the long term, direct imaging of stellar surfaces will be feasible with the E-ELT, leading to a better understanding of stellar convection, of the environments of massive stars or evolved stars and their mass loss... Goals of the school: High angular resolution studies require an instrumental expertise which has to take into account technical and scientific constraints. The fast evolution of this topic in the field of stellar physics planetary sciences requires a very good interaction between different communities:
One of the goal will finally be to make high angular resolution reachable for as many people as possible, to make it as useful as possible for stellar physics and planetary sciences. Program of the school: The school will be structured around 5 key lectures, organized as followed:
Lectures will start on monday morning and will end on Friday at noon. Welcoming will take place on Sunday from 2pm onwards. Lectures titles/speakers: Part I: Direct imaginfg
Part II: Interférometry
Specific seminars spécifiques: